EA Enlightenment October 2024

So long September, on to October, hills ablaze in vibrant hues.
A wondrous world we live in, check out our EA news…
A wondrous world indeed. Our students are now actively engaged in the wonders of learning at Elizabeth Academy. Our Welcome Back Picnic was a delightful event, gathering as a school community with good company and great food. October ushers in a week off from school with a Teacher Workday, Monday, October 7th, then Parent Teacher Conferences, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 8th and 9th, and Fall Break, Thursday and Friday, October 10th and 11th.
And of course, at the end of the month there will be our annual Halloween Parade, on Thursday, October 31st, Spirit week October 28th-31st then followed by a Teacher Workday on Friday, November 1st.
Feeling wonderfully full in the fall,
Elizabeth Academy Staff
Take the time to recognize a staff member. We know how much they put into their jobs and to the education of the students. You can recognize a teacher, specialist, therapist or administrative staff member. We will do a monthly drawing of those submitted to feature in our newsletter. All who are recognized will be given a copy of these responses as well. Go to the school app to submit recognition for those staff members.
October Events
Teacher Work Day (No School): October 7th
Parent Teacher Conferences: October 8th and 9th. See more information below.
Fall Break (No School): October 10th-11th
EAPO Campus Conversations- Secondary School: October 16th 2:30pm
EAPO Campus Conversations- Primary School: October 17th 8:50am
Secondary School BOO Bash: October 25th at Thanksgiving Point
Primary School Halloween Costume Parade: October 31st
School Spirit Week: October 28th-31st
Teacher Work Day (No School): November 1st
Spirit Week
Students can join in our first spirit week the last week of October. Please ensure that students are following dress code while having fun. *On Thursday, October 31st each campus will have a different dress up day.*

Primary School
Inclusion and Community
At Elizabeth Academy we value and foster Community Building. Each week the EC and LE teams get together for a weekly sing along led by Rachel K. our music therapist. We had our first all school community meeting on September 20, 2024 to celebrate Day of Peace. A huge component of our community is all of you, the caregivers. Fostering adult community and relationships was in full swing when we got together and played Trivia in the black box while the kids were able to also hang out in community in the Kiva.
D.E.A.R. Day and Literacy at EA
Our Librarians, Ms. Ellie and Mr. Diego are looking at ways to increase minutes spent in books across our community. One of those ways is implementing time across campus that for 15 minutes, everyone, students and staff will dive into books as a school. This will look different at different levels and will include individually reading, small groups, and also read alouds. These days will be our D.E.A.R. Days. Drop Everything And Read. We encourage you all to participate as well and will send out more information on our first one. They will happen once a month. If you do not have a habit of spending time with your children reading, please start one. Whether your kids are young or old, taking time to sit down and read will make a difference. Daily is always best, but if you can’t find times to do it when you can, it can fit your schedule whatever your schedule is.

Montessori Minute

An important part of the Montessori Curriculum is the Cosmic Curriculum. Cosmic education refers to the philosophy coined by Dr. Maria Montessori, which says that all things are interconnected in this universe and that each living thing has a specific role or Cosmic task to carry out. The children are at the center of this universe.
The teachers present lessons focused on how we interact with one another and one example that came out of EC is the story of Black Elk, a Native American leader that was struggling with how to support his tribe during westward expansion. The focus of Black Elk’s story was the question of how we deal with our own personal challenges, and how we deal with others as we interact within society. Black Elk was a Lakota-Oglala medicine man who lived from 1863 until 1950.
The focus Black Elk’s story was the question of how we deal with our own personal challenges, and how we deal with others as we interact within society. The EC classes are working on how do you move forward when someone else is causing a problem in your life? Please take time and reflect on how to interact with grace and courtesy.
Costume Parade & Halloween Celebrations
Classes will have their Halloween Celebrations on Thursday, October 31st. Parents are welcome to join us for our annual costume parade. More information to come about time in the coming weeks.

Secondary School

Dear Elizabeth Secondary Community,
Fall is in the air with a morning crispness that reminds us that the seasons are changing. At Secondary, the month of September was filled with opportunities to gather as a community both at Camp Oakley and at our Welcome Back Picnic. I really enjoyed being able to interact with you, your children, and the teachers in such unique settings. Thank you to the wonderful staff and parents who helped in preparing such successful events.
In looking ahead to October we are hoping to meet each of you at our Parent Teacher Conferences on Tuesday, October 8th and Thursday, October 9th. Please click HERE to sign up for a time slot if you have not done so already. School will not be held from Monday, October 7th for a Teacher Work Day, Tuesday and Wednesday for Parent Teacher Conferences, and Thursday and Friday for Fall Break. We will be holding our monthly Campus Conversations on Wednesday, October 16th from 2:30pm-3:30pm. We will have a full agenda looking at community events. Mark your calendars!
A few weeks ago, we sent out a survey about clubs and after school activities! The clubs that have started are Minecraft Club on Mondays, and Rock Climbing Club on Tuesdays, and Ski Club will start in January. If you are still interested in joining one of these clubs, please reach out to Kat Kirk- kat.kirk@elizabethacademy.com.
Here is to another great month at Elizabeth Academy Secondary!
Kind Regards,
Sofia Rigolon
Friday, October 25th
Boogie Bash: Inclusive Dance
BOO! This year, our annual Halloween Celebration, “Boogie Bash”, is again taking place at Thanksgiving Point Museum of Ancient Life in Lehi on Friday, October 25th from 7:00pm-9:30pm. This event is in collaboration with the Utah Down Syndrome Foundation. Our Student Council is planning fun and inclusive activities for students, young adults, and adults with disabilities for this event. We will provide transportation with school vehicles, so RSVP today! All students in attendance will receive Service Hours for coming and representing Elizabeth Academy Secondary as peer mentors!

Highland High Events
Wednesday, October 23rd 5:30pm- 8:00pm Spook Ally and Carnival- Hosted in the West Parking Lot at Highland High. If you park in our east lot and enter the school through the door nearest the flagpole that will take you into our Main Lobby and Cafeteria, just head all the way through both on the left side and go out the back door and that will take you to the west lot.
Saturday, October 26th 7:00pm- 9:00pm Monster Mash at Highland High in the back gym.

EAPO Corner
Campus Conversations

Secondary School- Wednesday, October 16th 2:30pm in the Life Skills Room
Primary School- Thursday, October 17th 8:50am in the Black Box
Campus Conversations are monthly meetings hosted by the EAPO. Lasting approximately one hour, Campus Conversations are informal discussions, and are the best way to stay informed about what is happening both on the Primary and Secondary Campuses, and to be in the loop about upcoming events and activities. Light refreshments are served.
Thank you to everyone that joined us for our first Parent Night In and Kids Night In. We truly enjoyed a fun trivia night and getting to laugh together.

Primary School Upcoming Events
Secondary School Upcoming Events

Pizza Wednesdays
Our next pizza day is on Wednesday, October 30th. Both campuses will participate. To purchase the pizza meal go to the school store in the app.