A Valentine from our Founder
Dear Families,
As I write this belated thanks to you for the special meeting we had in December, I am also realizing how appropriate it is that this note will reach you in the month of February, when terms of endearment are exchanged in valentines. My thoughts and feelings are tender as I think about our wonderful school community and I am grateful for the trust that you put in us and for the contributions that you make to the school. It was delightful to be with you in December, even as we worked through a few difficult issues. I feel that the meeting went well and I’m excited to extend another invitation for all of us to get to know each other even better.
Join us for a Meet and Greet Luncheon with the Board this month on Teacher Workday, Wednesday, February 12th from 12:00 PM -1:00 PM. It has always been my desire to establish and nurture relationships in the school community and now we have an opportunity to do so! As a board, we value your input and all that you do to make this school a beautiful place. As the founder of this school and a fellow parent myself, I will always put the children and their families first. You hold a special place in my heart.
Truly Yours,
Gail S. Williamsen
February Events
D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read): February 6th, 8:45 AM – 9:00 AM
Teacher Work Day, No School: February 12th
Meet and Greet the Board: February 12th, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Parent Teacher Conferences: February 13th and February 14th
President’s Day Holiday, No School: February 17th
EAPO Campus Conversations- Primary School: February 20th, 8:50 AM – 9:50 AM
EAPO Campus Conversations- Secondary School: February 26th, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
EAPO Pizza Wednesday: February 26th
Meet and Greet the Board
On our next Teacher Work Day, Wednesday, February 12th, join us for lunch from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm to meet EA Board members. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions and express your thoughts. Please RSVP HERE by Friday, February 7th.

Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be on
Thursday, February 13th & Friday, February 14th. During your conference you will meet with your student’s teacher to focus on their successes and educational goals.
Sign up for your time slot by Friday, February 7th.

Congratulations Merit Scholars!
Elizabeth Academy’s Merit Scholarship program is designed to recognize and reward exceptional achievement in three categories: academic effort, citizenship/leadership, and inclusivity. Scholarships of up to $6,000 ($2,000 per category) are available for 4th – 6th grade students and up to $9,000 ($3,000 per category) for 7th – 8th grade students.
The following Elizabeth Academy students have earned Merit Scholarships for the 2025-2026 school year:
Upper Elementary Merit Scholars
Ava Sheridan – Academic Effort, Leadership, Inclusivity Scholarships
Jude O’Leary – Academic Effort, Leadership, Inclusivity Scholarships
Louisa Soisson – Academic Effort, Leadership, Inclusivity Scholarships
Essie Lacy – Academic Effort, Leadership, Inclusivity Scholarships
Nora Welch – Academic Effort, Leadership, Inclusivity Scholarships
Cia O’Leary – Academic Effort and Leadership Scholarships
Remington Dalley – Inclusivity Scholarship
Cyrus Pilcher – Academic Effort Scholarship
Middle School Merit Scholars
Jane Wallingford – Academic Effort, Leadership, Inclusivity Scholarships
AJ Frankel – Academic Effort, Leadership, Inclusivity Scholarships
Josh Hendrix – Academic Effort and Inclusivity Scholarships
Staff Recognition- February 2025

Dani Rehmann- Primary School Campus
Dani is so great with the kids, especially those in the special needs grouping she spends so much of her time with. Cyrus has learned so much from her. Not only is she a great teacher, but she really gets to know the personalities of the kids she works with and creates routines to fit each kiddos needs and personalities. She also recognizes their quirks, speaking of Cyrus specifically here, and works in tandem with the parents to create the best environment for them. A specific example, Cyrus has attached to another child’s snow boots these last two years, and Dani worked with him to find a photo of “black boots” that he loved. She then both created a sign with the photo for him, and sent me the photo. I then used that photo as well as taking him to see boots in stores to find exactly what he wanted. He now has his very own “black boots” that he’s extremely happy with. He couldn’t wait to get to school today to show Dani, Lauren, and Lucas his “black boots”. I really appreciate the effort Dani puts into not only educating Cyrus and his peers, but helping him be his happiest self as well.
– Morgan Pilcher, Lower Elementary Parent
Take the time to recognize a staff member. We know how much they put into their jobs and to the education of the students. You can recognize a teacher, specialist, therapist or administrative staff member. We will do a monthly drawing of those submitted to feature in our newsletter. All who are recognized will be given a copy of these responses as well. Go to the school app to submit recognition for those staff members.

Mission in Motion
In an effort to keep our whole school community informed and updated about developments going on at Elizabeth Academy outside of the classroom, we have added this section to our monthly newsletter. Read on to discover what we are doing to innovate and deliver the best inclusive Montessori program possible— one that will be a model of education for others to follow!
Elizabeth Academy has had a partnership with the University of Utah’s Department of Education and Salt Lake City School District for several years now. Together, we have done a side-by-side research study at Rose Park Elementary, analyzing the efficacy of a Montessori vs a standard pre-school classroom. The outcomes for Montessori were outstanding. The partnership with the U’s Department of Education later developed into a small teacher training project at the University which we are now able to expand as we will be collaborating with other departments (in the therapy services realms) at the U to create an inclusive teacher training program second to none. Elizabeth Academy students at the Lower School (Infant-8th grade) will be the first beneficiaries of this program, as we will be the model operating school practicing an innovative inclusive Montessori program which utilizes collaborative therapy, integrated into our classrooms (and delivered privately too, as needed). We appreciate your patience with us as we adjust to this new system, and we are excited to move forward as we foresee these changes with a university partnership will make a difference in the quality and affordability of our integrated services program at Elizabeth Academy.
Beginning this fall, Elizabeth Academy is creating a pathway for all students to enter college and also find careers. This is a unique program we are incubating, for at least the first two years, at the Garfield campus in anticipation of expansion onto the University of Utah campus (in partnership with their Utah For All initiative). The program caters to students ages 18-30+ who have learning challenges and intellectual disabilities. Academic rigor will not be lost in this program as we recognize that these hard skills are necessary to secure jobs and maintain important life skills. But the cream of the crop will be the sense of community found among friends through the Elizabeth Academy program and the joy of applying these hard and soft skills to the arts, sciences and the school of life! We are excited for prospective students to get a taste of the program this summer when the university hosts a summer camp for students on their campus.
At Elizabeth Academy, we believe in the continual development and growth of our staff. Throughout the year there are multiple opportunities for professional development by leading others as well as learning from others within our school community. There are also opportunities to become a part of the larger Montessori community both at the state level as well as nationally.
Pecha Kucha:
Each Thursday a staff member leads a 15 minute learning session. This runs from 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM and has a specific focus. This year some of the topics have included:
MMPI (Montessori Medical Partnership for Inclusion):
Our leadership team (Sofia, Nate, Jessica, and Lindsay) has been participating in professional development beginning June 2024. This intensive cohort is led by Montessorians, therapists, doctors, and families from around the world to learn more about inclusion and medical history and practices. When completed we will have had 62 hours of learning.
UMC (Utah Montessori Council) conference:
On January 25th, 2025 around 20 of our staff attended a full day of learning. The day began with music and keynote speaker, Dr. Susan Zoll who is an author of Powerful Literacy in the Montessori Classroom: Aligning Reading, Research, and Practices. There were then three time slots throughout the day where EA staff could choose between presenters. Some of the presenter topics included: Cultivating a Connected Partnership with Parents and Caregivers, Mindful Moments: Practices for Centering, Connection, and Calm, Science of Reading and Montessori Literacy, The Art and Science of Montessori Therapy, Fostering Grace and Courtesy Through Observation, and many many more.
2025 Great Hearts National Symposium for Classical Education Conference:
Curriculum leaders will go to a nationwide three day conference which focuses on multiple topics of discussion. Some of the topics include great books, curriculum and pedagogy, and school leadership. There are a range of speakers that will share their K-12 teaching experience, knowledge of classical, historical and philosophical studies, math and science, school leaders, public intellectuals, policy experts, authors, and artists.
AMS Conference (American Montessori Society):
The Montessori Event continues to be the premier gathering of Montessori professionals worldwide. This event will celebrate The American Montessori Society’s 65th year. The experience features over 200 renowned speakers, 200+ insightful sessions, and an array of captivating special events. Highlights include Spotlight panels, the AMS Legacy of Innovation Hall, and AMS Cares Coaching Corner.

Integrated Services
Integrated Services Updates
Carson Smith Scholarship (CSS) & Carson Smith Opportunity Scholarship (CSOS) Information
Carson Smith Opportunity Scholarship applications will open on February 3rd! This will be the second year of the Carson Smith Opportunity Scholarship! It’s been a learning experience for all! If this is your second year, you need to log into your parent portal to update the financial information and disability verification. If you have questions, I am more than happy to guide you through the process. You can find more information at https://cfe-fund.org/ or email me at lindsay.baird@elizabethacademy.com.
If your student is still receiving CSS, I have not heard of any updates. I will keep you in the loop!
Lindsay Baird
SPED Director

Primary School

As we move closer to the end of this year we are excited as our upper elementary and middle school plans start to finalize. We thank all of our staff and parents that have given feedback on the best way to make this change.
Our Upper Elementary, grades 4, 5, and 6, will continue to embody the amazing space next year, focusing on stimulating natural curiosity and personalized curriculum in order to address each child’s needs, abilities, and interests. They will also have more leadership opportunities as we will be expanding their current class council to a full school student council. The student council will play a role in planning school wide activities, supporting mentoring throughout the school, and modeling at the highest level what an EA student is.
Middle school-age students are in a phase of valorization, a Montessori term describing an adolescent’s search for personal identity and internalization of core values. Understanding this essential aspect of development is essential in guiding youth to find their sense of purpose in the world. At Elizabeth Academy, we recognize that our students are going through this process and need the guidance of parents and teachers more than ever. They seek to find meaning and connection with parents, teachers, the community, and their peers. Our Middle School is designed to guide adolescents through that process.
Our Middle School consists of a 7th/8th grade cohort. The curriculum rotates in two-year cycles so that subject matter is fresh each year for each student. Core academic subjects are divided into two main branches: Humanities and STEM and subdivided further into Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, and Science, branching out even deeper into more specific academic courses and electives. Beyond that, the core academic courses are interwoven with the arts (visual art, music, dance, theater/film) as well as Electives and Experiential education.
The flexibility within the middle school morning allows us to tailor it for the needs of each individual student. Whether that students needs therapies, individual support, small group instruction, academic intervention, or enrichment, we will be able to support each of them at the level that they need. All students will be together after lunch to end the day as a class.
We are excited for next steps with our program and grateful for your trust in us as we take this next step. With any questions about enrollment please reach out to us! We look forward to connecting.

Secondary School

Dear Elizabeth Academy Families,
As we move into the second half of the school year, we are both reflecting on the transition of discontinuing the high school program and excited about integrating specialized programming into the Connor Campus. Here are some highlights from this year and upcoming events to look forward to:
Program Highlights:
Microeconomy: Guided by Kat Kirk, Shana Thomas, and April Norby, students have been exploring business fundamentals, customer service, and product creation. On January 25th, students showcased their entrepreneurial skills at the Utah Montessori Council Winter Conference, making significant sales to support our Spring Trips. Their leadership was also recognized within the Montessori community. This class will continue for Upper Elementary and Middle School next year.
Student Council: The Secondary Student Council has made great strides, most notably proposing and instituting the Blue Heron as Elizabeth Academy’s mascot. They’ve also honed leadership and facilitation skills, recently leading a Town Hall meeting to gather student feedback. Next year, Upper Elementary and Middle School students at the Connor Campus will have the opportunity to join Student Council as an enrichment class.
Pancake Breakfast: Secondary students have revived the beloved pancake breakfast at Elizabeth Academy Primary, building leadership and vocational skills through this hands-on tradition.
Spring Trips: Middle and High School students will head to Jackson Hole, Wyoming for programming at the Teton Science School, while students remaining on campus will participate in a week-long Spring Intensive filled with field trips and immersive activities. These experiences are funded through Microeconomy sales and Pancake Breakfast proceeds.
College and Career Week: Students have engaged in workshops on resume writing, mock interviews, and career exploration. This spring, we’ll expand cross-campus activities to bring this tradition to the Connor Campus.
Upcoming Events:
- March 21: Our annual school-wide play, The Wizard of Oz, will bring The Hero’s Journey theme to life, featuring performances from kindergarten through post-secondary students. March 21st happens to also be World Down Syndrome Day- a day we celebrate the diversity of our student body.
- March 31 – April 4: Spring Break
- April 21-24: College and Career Week
- May 15: Spring Showcase featuring student art, projects, music, theater, and our film festival.
- May 6-9: Spring Trips with 15 students traveling to Jackson Hole and immersive experiences for students on campus (details to follow).
- May 21: High School Graduation at 2 PM, celebrating our five wonderful graduates.
- May 22: Hello Summer Fair
- May 23: Last Day of School
This school year, I have enjoyed connecting with many primary parents, both as an administrator and fellow parent. If you have questions or want to learn more about our current secondary program, please visit us—we are proud of our students, staff, and the unique contributions we bring to the Elizabeth Academy community.
I look forward to connecting with you soon!
Kind regards,
Sofia Rigolon

The Blue Heron Takes Flight
In a remarkable display of leadership, collaboration, and inclusion, our Student Council recently brought the school community together to officially adopt “The Blue Heron” as our school mascot. This effort showcased the principles of respect, diligence, and imagination that lie at the heart of our mission.
The process began with a community survey, where students, staff, and families shared their ideas and insights about what best represents our school. Using this feedback, the Student Council crafted a thoughtful proposal that articulated the significance of the blue heron. They then presented their proposal to the Board of Directors, demonstrating professionalism, creativity, and a deep understanding of our school’s mission. Their proposal was unanimously approved, making the blue heron our official symbol.
The blue heron beautifully reflects our mission of “Enlightenment for Everyone” and our vision of creating an inclusive, transformative educational model. Known for its grace, patience, and adaptability, the heron symbolizes the unique strengths of our community. Just as the heron thrives in diverse environments, our school thrives on meeting the individual needs of every child, valuing each student’s journey, and imagining limitless possibilities.
This accomplishment not only highlights the leadership and teamwork of our Student Council but also serves as a reminder of what we can achieve when we work together with respect, purpose, and a shared vision. The blue heron now stands as a proud emblem of our school’s commitment to inclusion, innovation, and enlightenment for life.

EAPO Corner

Campus Conversations
Primary School- Thursday, February 20th, 8:50 AM – 9:50 AM in the Black Box
Secondary School- Wednesday, February 26th, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM in the Life Skills Room
Campus Conversations are monthly meetings hosted by the EAPO. Lasting approximately one hour, Campus Conversations are informal discussions, and are the best way to stay informed about what is happening both on the Primary and Secondary Campuses, and to be in the loop about upcoming events and activities. Light refreshments are served.
Pizza Wednesdays
Our next pizza day is on Wednesday, February 26th. Both campuses will participate. To purchase the pizza meal, go to the school store in the app.
Utah Fits All Scholarship Application Update for 2025-2026
Elizabeth Academy is a qualified provider of the Utah Fits All Scholarship. Nine of our students were awarded the scholarship for the current school year and we encourage all eligible families to apply for 2025-2026! The application portal window will open on February 3rd. Apply here: https://ufascholarship.com/
The Scholarship provides up to $8,000 per eligible student per school year. Parents are given the flexibility to spend scholarship funds in the best interests of their student(s), including on private school tuition and fees, transportation, educational software and hardware, tutoring, physical, occupational, and speech therapy, and after school programs. Eligible students are Utah residents in grades K-12 who are not enrolled in or attending a public school full time and who will not be receiving either the Carson Smith Special Needs Scholarship or the Special Needs Opportunity Scholarship.
The following are the tentative dates for the upcoming year:
- March 3rd, 2025 – The New Applicant application portal opens.
- April 30th, 2025 – Scholarship Awards will be announced for the 2025-26 academic year.
If your student received a scholarship this year and is eligible for renewal, you should see a “Renew” button in your UFA Account.
Waitlisted students must reapply. The data you entered into your application for the 2024-25 school year will need to be reviewed in order for you to apply for the following year. Read more here.
There are two application windows. The second application window includes unawarded siblings of UFA scholarship students
Click here for more information: https://ufascholarship.com/

“Kindness is like snow—it beautifies everything it covers.”
— Kahlil Gibran
As we enter the final month of the year, we are filled with gratitude for the growth, achievements, and community spirit that have defined our school year so far. December is a special time for reflection, celebration, and connection, and we are excited to share the many upcoming events and highlights with you.
From seasonal activities to important year-end reflections, this month promises to be filled with joy and togetherness. As always, we are deeply grateful for the continued support of our families and the hard work of our dedicated staff, who make every day at Elizabeth Academy an inspiring and enriching experience.
We wish you a wonderful holiday season, filled with peace, joy, and warmth, and we look forward to finishing the year strong together.
Elizabeth Academy
December Events
D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read): December 5th, 8:45 AM – 9:00 AM
EAPO Campus Conversations- Secondary School: December 11th, 2:30 PM
EAPO Campus Conversations- Primary School: December 12th, 8:50 AM
Fire Drill- No Alarm: December 12th
Primary School Enrichments- Light & Arts Festival: December 13th
EAPO Pizza Wednesday: December 18th
Love & Light Festival: December 19th, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Continuing Enrollment Begins: December 19th
EAPO Primary School Friday Fun Day: December 20th- More information to come
Winter Break: December 21st- January 5th
Love & Light Festival
Every year we come together to celebrate the season and our community. Students have been making lanterns at home and we are inviting families in our neighborhood to join us and make lanterns as well. We will assemble these lanterns into a community lantern walk. Please drop your lantern off at the front desk by Wednesday, December 18th.
In the spirit of sharing, we will also being doing a cookie share! Sign up to bring a plate of your family’s favorite cookies. Send you recipe to primaryadmin@elizabethacademy.com before the event so that we can include it in our digital Cookie Recipe Book, which will be shared with all EA families.

Continuing Enrollment
We would like to thank you for entrusting Elizabeth Academy with the honor and responsibility of educating your children. We are looking forward to continuing our commitment to provide an outstanding education. Every year just before Winter Break, we send the digital link to continuing enrollment via email to our current families. Filling out this continuing enrollment contract by the continuing enrollment deadline gives you priority for the 2025-2026 school year. This year, continuing enrollment will open on Thursday, December 19th, 2024, and will close on Friday, January 10th, 2025. You will receive an email from FACTS inviting you to complete your continuing enrollment and giving you instructions on how to complete it. If you have questions about your student’s enrollment for 2025-2026 please reach out to primaryadmin@elizabethacademy.com.

Staff Recognition- December 2024

Brenda Jensen- Primary School Campus
“Both of my daughters absolutely love Mrs. Brenda! She is like their 3rd grandmother. Always welcoming them every morning with a calm and happy demeanor. She is loving, kind, supportive, yet stern.” – Jessica Camp
Take the time to recognize a staff member. We know how much they put into their jobs and to the education of the students. You can recognize a teacher, specialist, therapist or administrative staff member. We will do a monthly drawing of those submitted to feature in our newsletter. All who are recognized will be given a copy of these responses as well. Go to the school app to submit recognition for those staff members. Submit Staff Recognition
You are invited to Utah Symphony | Utah Opera’s 2025 Access to Music Concert on
January 23 at 7:00 PM at Abravanel Hall in
Salt Lake City.
This concert is presented specifically for people with sensory sensitivities or other disabilities and their families. Featuring the Utah Opera Resident Artists and Utah Symphony, this performance is a valuable opportunity for all to experience live music without any expectation to remain seated or refrain from audible or physical reactions to the performance. The house lights will remain on and doors will remain open for anyone wishing to relocate to a less acoustically-active space.
All ages are welcome to this free, hour-long concert. Reserve tickets on the website: Access to Music 2025 Tickets. Please feel free to share this information with anyone who might benefit from it!

Primary School

Inclusion and Community
On Tuesday November 26th the EAPO hosted our annual Gratitude and Grandfriends event. We wanted to say thank you to all that planned and then attended the event. It was great seeing some of the grandparents and families of our students. The feeling of getting together and having families come, eat pie, connect, and then head into the holiday weekend started us off well. We’re grateful to all of you for being a part of our community. Thank you for all you do and the parts you play.
There are only three short weeks in December, but we look forward to filling them with engagement, community building, and love.
In community,
Nate and Jessica
Montessori Minute
In the Montessori classroom, the teachers are guides who create an environment that promotes exploration and student interest. They maintain a safe, clean, engaging, and stimulating classroom where all students feel comfortable, safe, and valued. Through observation, teachers are able to see academic and social growth and are able to guide the students along the path of continued learning. Along with the classroom environment, the success of the child is a true partnership between student, teacher, and family.
“The children are now working as if I did not exist.”
– Maria Montessori

Primary School Highlight
We are focusing on a love of literacy this year and wanted to highlight some exciting initiatives. Our library supports our school values (inclusivity, honesty, commitment, and kindness) through literacy. Each month we have a different inclusivity focus in library classes. In November, our inclusive theme is Native American Heritage, as well as homelessness and hunger. In Early Childhood, we read Fire Race, a tale from the Karuk tribe. We talked about the importance of stories for Native Americans, and older students read books by and about Native Americans. This week, we are reading The Rainbow Fish and discussing the importance of sharing with those who have less. Our goal is to highlight different aspects of our lives and help our students understand the power of inclusivity.
Students in grades 3-6 were asked to volunteer to participate in the Reading Buddies program as reading mentors. These students will receive training throughout the year and become Certified Elizabeth Academy Reading Mentors. We also had the opportunity to have Rosemary Wells, a well known children’s author and illustrator, at our school. She gave two presentations to our elementary students on her illustration methods and writing process, giving them a glimpse into what it is to be a professional author and inspiring them to write and illustrate their own books. Our hope is to allow our students to peek into what it is to be an author and inspire them to create.
We will be launching a Reading Buddies program at EA which will begin in December. During dismissal (3:25-3:45), student mentors from Upper Elementary and Lower Elementary will read with younger students. Our goal is to add a literacy boost at the end of each day and in turn create opportunities for service learning and a community of caring among our students. Twenty minutes of reading 5 days a week for 20 weeks equals 2,000 extra minutes of reading time per child.
Arts & Enrichment Present:
Light & Arts Festival
You are invited to join us for an arts & enrichment student sharing event happening on Friday, December 13, 2024. As an extension of their continent studies this year, Early Childhood, Lower Elementary, and Upper Elementary students are exploring light festivals of Asia and the theme of light, including the unity, peace, connection and community that light can represent. Early Childhood students will share what they have learned from 8:50 – 9:10 am, Upper Elementary students from 9:20 – 10:30 am, and Lower Elementary students from 10:40 – 11:50 am.

Primary Community
We have 19 Upper Elementary students signed up this year to participate in the Snowbird youth ski program. This is a 6 week program where students will be strengthening their skills through a 2 ½ hour lesson taught by professional ski/snowboarding instructors. This year, we will be heading up to the mountain on the following Thursdays: January 9th, 16th, 23th, 30th and two dates in February, the 6th and 20th. This is a long standing partnership and we are excited to continue the tradition.

Secondary School

Dear Elizabeth Academy Secondary School Families,
It is hard to believe that we are mid-way through the academic year, and that 2024 is coming to a close… As 2025 brings about big shifts, I am finding myself enjoying this holiday season with this community more than ever. I would like to celebrate some of the special moments we experienced in November – including: a successful Penny Wars fundraiser where students collected over $300 for the Best Friends League, our Student Council developing and presenting a School Mascot proposal at our Elizabeth Academy Board Meeting, and Secondary students helping us bring back our Pancake Breakfast!
In the upcoming weeks, we have exciting things ahead. Instead of doing Service Week in just one week this year, we will be providing opportunities for service on Fridays throughout the next few months. On December 19th, we invite you all to join us at the Primary Campus (2870 Connor St) for our Love and Light event from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm- which will include a performance from our Secondary students Theater elective, and will feature a student-run market showcasing products developed in our Microeconomy elective. Stock up on handmade cards, jewelry, felt decorations, and more! We hope to see you there!
As a reminder, Star Testing will happen from December 9th-13th, and the semester ends on the 20th of December. Grades will close on that day. Winter recess will start December 23rd and continue until January 5th. Report Cards will be processed the first week of January, and delivered on the 6th of January. Make sure to check grades this week, and remind your student to begin working towards closing out the semester.
Looking forward to next semester, as Ski Club (Starting January 10th), and our Spring Trip (May 6th-9th) return, along with other hallmark traditions, such as more Pancake Breakfasts and our Spring Showcase!
I wish you all a happy holiday season!
Sofia Rigolon

Student Council Message
Hello EA Secondary Community,
Penny Wars were a success! Students surpassed their goal of $250 by earning $305.45! Student Council won and chose to donate to the Best Friends League. Members of the student council presented their proposal for a school mascot. They did a great job explaining the steps they took to narrow it down and why they feel the Blue Heron would be a good school mascot.
December 2nd through the 13th, student council will be selling candy grams for $3.00 each. Parents and students can purchase during lunch and the Student Council will deliver. We hope to use this fundraiser to make Teacher Christmas presents.
-Student Council

Snowbird Youth Ski Program 2025– Secondary School
Snowbird Youth Ski Program:
Elizabeth Academy has been a participant in the Snowbird Youth and Ski program for almost 10 years! Join us this ski season for 6 weeks of lessons.
It is a wonderful opportunity offered by the Snowbird Mountain School. Professional ski instructors spend the afternoon with our students in small groups educating them about the mountain and how to enjoy it safely. Small groups encourage learning through exploration and camaraderie. Avalanche awareness, safe mountain travel, etiquette and skill development are components of each session.
Students are placed into groups based on ability/ski level and receive a 2.5 hour (1:00 pm-3:30 pm) long lesson.
This is a 6 week program that will take place on the following FRIDAYS: January 10th, January 24th, January 31st, February 7th, 21st, and 28th
The cost is $330; plus $50 for transportation and school incidentals- costing a total of $380.
Students who participate in the program will need to come with their own or rented equipment upon arrival to school each ski day. Students will depart at *12pm and will return to school around 4:30pm, depending on weather conditions and traffic.
Students will be transported by both Guides and parent volunteers. Parents who transport the students will get a lift pass and can ski compliments of Snowbird while the students are in their lessons.
After you sign up using the link below, the Elizabeth Academy Business Office will email you a bill requesting payment. You can pay via cash, credit card, or we can add it to your FACTS payments. Payment in full must be made by December 20th.
The last day to sign up will be December 6th, 2024!

EAPO Corner

Campus Conversations
Secondary School- Wednesday, December 11th , 2:30pm in the Life Skills Room
Primary School- Thursday, December 12th, 8:50am in the Black Box
Campus Conversations are monthly meetings hosted by the EAPO. Lasting approximately one hour, Campus Conversations are informal discussions, and are the best way to stay informed about what is happening both on the Primary and Secondary Campuses, and to be in the loop about upcoming events and activities. Light refreshments are served.

Required Volunteer Hours
Volunteer opportunities available in the school app. Each family is responsible for 20 hours of in-person volunteering and/or $200 payment in lieu of fulfilling volunteer hours for the 2024-2025 school year. To record your hours follow the below steps:
- Log into your family portal at factsmgt.com. (Our district code is EA-UT)
- Go to the Family Tab
- On the Family Home, there is a drop down window on the top. Make sure this says your name.
- Directly under that drop down box is the service hours section. There is a small add button in that section to add your hours.

Pizza Wednesdays
Our next pizza day is on Wednesday, December 18th. Both campuses will participate. To purchase the pizza meal, go to the school store in the app.
$200,000 in Tuition Assistance and Merit Scholarships!
We have $200,000 in tuition assistance and merit scholarships available to new and continuing students! Please help us to spread the word.
Merit Scholarships – Students entering Upper Elementary and entering or continuing in Middle School are eligible to apply for merit scholarships. Applicants are due in November of each year, and scholarships are awarded in December.
Tuition Assistance – All families of students applying for any of our programs (infant through middle school) are welcome to apply for tuition assistance. Our comprehensive tuition assistance application takes more than just household income into consideration and considers extenuating circumstances. Tuition assistance awards at the Infant, Toddler, and Early Childhood levels are up to 30% of tuition, while awards at the elementary and middle school levels can be up to 50% of tuition.
To renew financial aid, families must complete an application each year. This process allows us to verify and document that families who receive financial aid continue to demonstrate the need for tuition assistance. Please be prepared to submit your prior-year tax documents (the taxes that were due last April) by the deadline in order to receive full consideration for tuition assistance. All inquiries, applications, and supporting documentation with regard to financial aid are treated confidentially.
How to Apply for Tuition Assistance
Step 1
Create a FACTS account at https://online.factsmgt.com/aid. FACTS is the company we use to process our tuition assistance applications. The application for the 2025–2026 school year is live.
FACTS enables you to save your progress and return at any time.
Step 2
At the end of the FACTS application, pay the $45 fee and submit.
The application deadline is January 31. Priority will be given to complete applications submitted by the deadline. Late or incomplete applications may not receive full consideration for a financial aid award.
Please Give us a Google Review
Please take a moment to give us a review by clicking on the following lik. Reviews are very important because they help other families to find us. If you give us a review by December 13th, we will enter you into a raffle for a fun winter prize!
- Google Review
- https://g.page/r/CdWty3Q47xCsEBM/review
- Once you fill out the Google review, please copy and paste it into the other review sites below.
- Yelp
- https://www.yelp.com/writeareview
- Log in (you can click on “log in through Google” to make it easier) and submit review
- Private School Review
- https://www.privateschoolreview.com/elizabeth-academy-profile
- Scroll to the bottom under “School Reviews”
- GreatSchools.org
- https://www.greatschools.org/reviews/
- Scroll down to “share your story” and type in Elizabeth Academy to leave a review

Oh No… vember!
Oh yes! Remember…
The clocks have rolled back but time marches forward. The season has cooled but our hearts are warm with gratitude for family, friends, a beautiful world and a bountiful harvest.
November events include our Open House for families interested in the next school year’s program. The Open House will be Thursday, November 14th, 5:00-7:00 pm and will be an informative evening explaining the various program levels offered at Elizabeth Academy. Please help us spread the word by inviting friends, family, and neighbors.
The last week of this month we will be celebrating a day of Gratitude with Grandfriends on Tuesday, November 26th, which will be a half-day of school. Secondary students will celebrate Harvest Sharing with a service project that day, and starting Wednesday, November 27th, the school will be closed the rest of the week for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Bounteous Blessings,
Elizabeth Academy Staff
Take the time to recognize a staff member. We know how much they put into their jobs and to the education of the students. You can recognize a teacher, specialist, therapist or administrative staff member. We will do a monthly drawing of those submitted to feature in our newsletter. All who are recognized will be given a copy of these responses as well. Go to the school app to submit recognition for those staff members. Submit Staff Recognition
November Events
Teacher Work Day (No School): November 1st
D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read): November 7th, 8:45 AM – 9:00 AM
EAPO Campus Conversations- Secondary School: November 13th, 2:30 PM
Primary School Vision Screening: November 13th, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
EAPO Campus Conversations- Primary School: November 14th, 8:50 AM
Open House: November 14th, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Early Release Day: November 26th, 12:45 PM
Gratitude & Grand-friends- Primary School: November 26th, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Harvest Sharing- Secondary School: November 26th, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Thanksgiving Break (NO SCHOOL): November 27th – 29th
Open House
Current and potential families are welcome to come to our Open House on Thursday, November 14th. If you have a student who will be transitioning to a new level, this is a wonderful opportunity to see the next level and understand the differences between the levels.
We need your help! Please spread the word and invite friends, family, and neighbors who might be interested in learning more about Elizabeth Academy! We encourage you to share the image below on your social media pages.

Gratitude & Grandfriends/ Harvest Sharing
At Elizabeth Academy, we celebrate this time of year by focusing on Gratitude and sharing time together. We will celebrate these events on Tuesday, November 26th. The primary school EAPO will host our annual Gratitude & Grandfriends. Students will have the opportunity to invite a Grandfriend to join them for this event.
The secondary school will host their annual Harvest Sharing, as families and students gather to pick up litter in Wasatch Hollow. Afterwards, everyone will enjoy lunch together.

Primary School
Inclusion and Community
Our EA community is the key to all of our success, and this month we were able to have some fun. We had the opportunity to participate in an cross campus Spirit Week, which had the students and teachers dressing up in Hawaiian shirts, their favorite color, pajamas, and Halloween costumes.
We also had our monthly Campus Conversations run by the EAPO and talked about ways to serve both our school community and the wider community outside of EA. As we talked about the reading program it was fun to have parents share some other options to support reading. If you are looking to find a furry friend to read to or are interested in heading to the library please jump on the links below.
Doing things together, working together, having fun together, builds the relationships and the bonds that bind us and allow us to succeed.
Thank you all for being part of the community. We feel grateful to play a role.
Nate and Jess
Montessori Minute
Every month we want to highlight something that makes Montessori special and this month we choose the Montessori work cycle. What is the Montessori work cycle?
The Montessori work cycle is a dedicated period in which children engage in focused, self-directed activities that promote concentration, independence, and deep learning. The work cycle allows students to choose activities that interest them, work at their own pace, and explore subjects in depth without interruption. During this time, teachers observe and provide guidance as needed, fostering a child’s ability to problem-solve, make decisions, and build resilience. This uninterrupted cycle is central to Montessori education, supporting the development of a child’s autonomy, creativity, and intrinsic motivation for learning.
This looks different as you shift levels, but allowing students to own their own education and be supported by their peers and teachers gives them the space to grow in independence and to define their identity. It is one of the hallmarks of Montessori philosophy.

Primary School Highlight
We had our first parent teacher conferences this month and we wanted to thank our community for coming out. We had 89% of our families come in in person or virtually.
Effective communication between school and home is essential for student success, as it builds a supportive environment that fosters learning and personal growth. When parents and teachers stay connected, they can share insights about a child’s strengths, challenges, and progress, allowing for a more personalized approach to education. Consistent communication also encourages parents to be active participants in their child’s learning journey, reinforcing skills and values taught in the classroom. This collaboration not only enhances academic outcomes, but also helps students feel more secure and motivated, knowing they have a strong network of support from both home and school.
Vision Screening- November 13th
The primary school will be conducting vision screenings, in accordance with the Utah School Vision Screening Policy. Friends for Sight is a local nonprofit organization that specializes in vision screening and will be doing the vision screenings. Look for a letter explaining about the program and what to expect.
We will need volunteers to assist with vision screening to ensure a smooth day. You can sign up in the school app or at Vision Screening Volunteer.

Gratitude and Grandfriends- Tuesday, November 26th
It’s almost time for our annual Gratitude and Grandfriends event! For this event students are invited to bring one Grandfriend (grandparent, neighbor, aunt, uncle) to enjoy the time with. More details will come from the EAPO as this event comes closer, but be save the date.
As a reminder Tuesday, November 26th will be an early release day. Students will need to be picked up at 12:45pm.

Secondary School

Dear Elizabeth Academy Community,
This past month has given us some opportunities to gather and appreciate our “spooktacular” community. It was fun to see our BOOgie Bash make a ripple further out into the community- where we had so many people from various programs enjoy our special event at the Museum of Natural Life at Thanksgiving Point! Additionally, wonderful job to our students for taking a leadership role at this event, in-school Halloween celebration, and Spirit Week at BOTH campuses!
This month, we are looking forward to more community gatherings, including our annual Harvest Sharing event on Tuesday, November 26th, which will be a half-day for students. This year, for our Harvest Sharing, we will be hosting a “Lunch and Litter” event at Wasatch Hollow on Tuesday, November 26th. We invite parents and community members to join us for hot chocolate at 10am to kick-off the event. We will spend some time picking up litter in Wasatch Hollow. Bring a sack lunches to enjoy at the end of the event. After lunch, students may leave with their parents- our official dismissal time is at 12:45pm. We will have our Thanksgiving break from Wednesday, November 27th- Friday, November 29th.
October was an eventful month- full of big events and big announcements. I have been humbled by the number of students and parents who have reached out to ask questions about the decision to close down the High School program. We are working on providing you with tools and information to navigate the next steps- and feel free to reach out.
As questions arise, feel free to contact me!
Kind Regards,
Sofia Rigolon

Student Council Message- Penny Wars
Hello EA Secondary Community,
We would like to introduce our upcoming service project, Penny Wars!
The purpose of Penny Wars is to raise money across our campus that we can then put towards a good cause within our local community.
Students will be working together with their cohort to collect donations. This can be in the form of physical Money (dollar bills and coins) or through Venmo (please label your donation with Penny Wars and the cohort you are supporting, ex. Penny Wars: 7/8 Cohort). The Student Council will have jugs out to collect donations in on November 4th-22nd.
The group with the highest amount of donations will get to decide which of the four potential recipients the donations will go to. Community supporters that may receive these donations are: Best Friends Animal Society, Catholic Community Services, the YCC Family Crisis Center, or the Utah Food Bank.
We have a goal of earning at least $250 and we hope you will all join us in participating in this exciting project.
-Student Council

EAPO Corner
Campus Conversations

Secondary School- Wednesday, November 13th, 2:30pm in the Life Skills Room
Primary School- Thursday, November 14th, 8:50am in the Black Box
Campus Conversations are monthly meetings hosted by the EAPO. Lasting approximately one hour, Campus Conversations are informal discussions, and are the best way to stay informed about what is happening both on the Primary and Secondary Campuses, and to be in the loop about upcoming events and activities. Light refreshments are served.
Volunteer Opportunities can be found in the school app. Each family is responsible for 20 hours of in-person volunteering and/or financial contributions for the 2024-2025 school year. To record your hours follow the below steps:
- Log into your family portal at factsmgt.com. (Our district code is EA-UT)
- Go to the Family Tab
- On the Family Home, there is a drop down window on the top. Make sure this says your name.
- Directly under that drop down box is the service hours section. There is a small add button in that section to add your hours.

Primary School
Upcoming Events
Secondary School Upcoming Events

Pizza Wednesdays
Our next pizza day is on Wednesday, November 20th. Both campuses will participate. To purchase the pizza meal, go to the school store in the app.

So long September, on to October, hills ablaze in vibrant hues.
A wondrous world we live in, check out our EA news…
A wondrous world indeed. Our students are now actively engaged in the wonders of learning at Elizabeth Academy. Our Welcome Back Picnic was a delightful event, gathering as a school community with good company and great food. October ushers in a week off from school with a Teacher Workday, Monday, October 7th, then Parent Teacher Conferences, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 8th and 9th, and Fall Break, Thursday and Friday, October 10th and 11th.
And of course, at the end of the month there will be our annual Halloween Parade, on Thursday, October 31st, Spirit week October 28th-31st then followed by a Teacher Workday on Friday, November 1st.
Feeling wonderfully full in the fall,
Elizabeth Academy Staff
Take the time to recognize a staff member. We know how much they put into their jobs and to the education of the students. You can recognize a teacher, specialist, therapist or administrative staff member. We will do a monthly drawing of those submitted to feature in our newsletter. All who are recognized will be given a copy of these responses as well. Go to the school app to submit recognition for those staff members.
October Events
Teacher Work Day (No School): October 7th
Parent Teacher Conferences: October 8th and 9th. See more information below.
Fall Break (No School): October 10th-11th
EAPO Campus Conversations- Secondary School: October 16th 2:30pm
EAPO Campus Conversations- Primary School: October 17th 8:50am
Secondary School BOO Bash: October 25th at Thanksgiving Point
Primary School Halloween Costume Parade: October 31st
School Spirit Week: October 28th-31st
Teacher Work Day (No School): November 1st
Spirit Week
Students can join in our first spirit week the last week of October. Please ensure that students are following dress code while having fun. *On Thursday, October 31st each campus will have a different dress up day.*

Primary School
Inclusion and Community
At Elizabeth Academy we value and foster Community Building. Each week the EC and LE teams get together for a weekly sing along led by Rachel K. our music therapist. We had our first all school community meeting on September 20, 2024 to celebrate Day of Peace. A huge component of our community is all of you, the caregivers. Fostering adult community and relationships was in full swing when we got together and played Trivia in the black box while the kids were able to also hang out in community in the Kiva.
D.E.A.R. Day and Literacy at EA
Our Librarians, Ms. Ellie and Mr. Diego are looking at ways to increase minutes spent in books across our community. One of those ways is implementing time across campus that for 15 minutes, everyone, students and staff will dive into books as a school. This will look different at different levels and will include individually reading, small groups, and also read alouds. These days will be our D.E.A.R. Days. Drop Everything And Read. We encourage you all to participate as well and will send out more information on our first one. They will happen once a month. If you do not have a habit of spending time with your children reading, please start one. Whether your kids are young or old, taking time to sit down and read will make a difference. Daily is always best, but if you can’t find times to do it when you can, it can fit your schedule whatever your schedule is.

Montessori Minute

An important part of the Montessori Curriculum is the Cosmic Curriculum. Cosmic education refers to the philosophy coined by Dr. Maria Montessori, which says that all things are interconnected in this universe and that each living thing has a specific role or Cosmic task to carry out. The children are at the center of this universe.
The teachers present lessons focused on how we interact with one another and one example that came out of EC is the story of Black Elk, a Native American leader that was struggling with how to support his tribe during westward expansion. The focus of Black Elk’s story was the question of how we deal with our own personal challenges, and how we deal with others as we interact within society. Black Elk was a Lakota-Oglala medicine man who lived from 1863 until 1950.
The focus Black Elk’s story was the question of how we deal with our own personal challenges, and how we deal with others as we interact within society. The EC classes are working on how do you move forward when someone else is causing a problem in your life? Please take time and reflect on how to interact with grace and courtesy.
Costume Parade & Halloween Celebrations
Classes will have their Halloween Celebrations on Thursday, October 31st. Parents are welcome to join us for our annual costume parade. More information to come about time in the coming weeks.

Secondary School

Dear Elizabeth Secondary Community,
Fall is in the air with a morning crispness that reminds us that the seasons are changing. At Secondary, the month of September was filled with opportunities to gather as a community both at Camp Oakley and at our Welcome Back Picnic. I really enjoyed being able to interact with you, your children, and the teachers in such unique settings. Thank you to the wonderful staff and parents who helped in preparing such successful events.
In looking ahead to October we are hoping to meet each of you at our Parent Teacher Conferences on Tuesday, October 8th and Thursday, October 9th. Please click HERE to sign up for a time slot if you have not done so already. School will not be held from Monday, October 7th for a Teacher Work Day, Tuesday and Wednesday for Parent Teacher Conferences, and Thursday and Friday for Fall Break. We will be holding our monthly Campus Conversations on Wednesday, October 16th from 2:30pm-3:30pm. We will have a full agenda looking at community events. Mark your calendars!
A few weeks ago, we sent out a survey about clubs and after school activities! The clubs that have started are Minecraft Club on Mondays, and Rock Climbing Club on Tuesdays, and Ski Club will start in January. If you are still interested in joining one of these clubs, please reach out to Kat Kirk- kat.kirk@elizabethacademy.com.
Here is to another great month at Elizabeth Academy Secondary!
Kind Regards,
Sofia Rigolon
Friday, October 25th
Boogie Bash: Inclusive Dance
BOO! This year, our annual Halloween Celebration, “Boogie Bash”, is again taking place at Thanksgiving Point Museum of Ancient Life in Lehi on Friday, October 25th from 7:00pm-9:30pm. This event is in collaboration with the Utah Down Syndrome Foundation. Our Student Council is planning fun and inclusive activities for students, young adults, and adults with disabilities for this event. We will provide transportation with school vehicles, so RSVP today! All students in attendance will receive Service Hours for coming and representing Elizabeth Academy Secondary as peer mentors!

Highland High Events
Wednesday, October 23rd 5:30pm- 8:00pm Spook Ally and Carnival- Hosted in the West Parking Lot at Highland High. If you park in our east lot and enter the school through the door nearest the flagpole that will take you into our Main Lobby and Cafeteria, just head all the way through both on the left side and go out the back door and that will take you to the west lot.
Saturday, October 26th 7:00pm- 9:00pm Monster Mash at Highland High in the back gym.

EAPO Corner
Campus Conversations

Secondary School- Wednesday, October 16th 2:30pm in the Life Skills Room
Primary School- Thursday, October 17th 8:50am in the Black Box
Campus Conversations are monthly meetings hosted by the EAPO. Lasting approximately one hour, Campus Conversations are informal discussions, and are the best way to stay informed about what is happening both on the Primary and Secondary Campuses, and to be in the loop about upcoming events and activities. Light refreshments are served.
Thank you to everyone that joined us for our first Parent Night In and Kids Night In. We truly enjoyed a fun trivia night and getting to laugh together.

Primary School Upcoming Events
Secondary School Upcoming Events

Pizza Wednesdays
Our next pizza day is on Wednesday, October 30th. Both campuses will participate. To purchase the pizza meal go to the school store in the app.